Finding Solutions to Digestive Problems
A Registered Dietitian (RD) will talk with you one-on-one about your symptoms and find a meal plan that will work for you.
Healthy Weight Gain or Loss
An RD can suggest ways to add more calories and protein for healthy weight gain or provide you with the support and science to lose weight and keep it off—for good!
Managing Chronic Disease
If you are concerned about diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease, an RD can help you make real changes to get real results, without compromising taste or nutrition.
More Energy to Stay Focused
An RD will pinpoint which foods rob you of energy and which can help you stay focused and sustained throughout the day.
Building a Healthier Lifestyle
An RD uses a science-based approach to teach you about food and lifestyle changes that prevent disease and support a healthier living.
To learn more about our Registered Dietitians, visit OregonClinic.com/nutrition.