Katie Ford PA-C

Katie Ford PA-C

TEL: 503-692-3750
FAX: 503-691-2324

As a GI specialist, Katie Ford finds the digestive system and its connection to the overall wellbeing of the mind and body fascinating. She enjoys connecting with her patients, listening to their concerns, and collaborating on a treatment plan that fits their lives. Katie’s background in primary care helps her understand the healthcare landscape her patients are navigating outside the specialty office.  

Katie loves how quirky Portland is, how passionate its people are, and how good the food is too! Outside of work she can be found hanging out with her husband, their young daughter, and their old dog. She enjoys reading and attempting a wide range of hobbies from jiu jitsu to crocheting.


MS, Physician Assistant Studies, Arcadia University, 2014 

BS, Biology, Pacific Lutheran University, 2011 


Physician Associate


Cum Laude, Pacific Lutheran University, 2011